# End conversation in the chat

# End Conversation (RWC)

In most cases, you don't need to add any Steps to end the RWC conversation. It ends automatically when there are no more Steps to execute. Precisely, when the Flow execution reaches the end of any leg of the main Thread (opens new window), the conversation ends.

However, if your RWC Flow contains the Trigger Another Flow and Proceed Step to connect a Triggered Flow (opens new window), both your main Flow and Triggered Flow have main Threads executed in parallel. Once the Triggered Flow reaches the end of any leg of the main Thread, it will end a conversation in the main Flow as well. To eliminate this case, activate the setting Control conversation end manually in the Wait for Chat (RWC) Step template. As a result, reaching the end of any leg of the main Thread in the Triggered Flow does not end the conversation in the main Flow. To make the conversation end in the main Flow or Subflow, add End Conversation (RWC) as the last Step of every leg of the main Thread where the Flow is expected to end.

For example, the main Flow executes the conversation in the RWC channel and the Triggered Flow runs a parallel conversation in SMS. Once the conversation in SMS reaches its end, it does not stop the ongoing conversation in RWC. When the conversation in the RWC Flow reaches its end, End Conversation (RWC) completes it.

All in all, to process the RWC Flow that contains the Trigger Another Flow and Proceed Step, activate the Control conversation end manually toggle in Wait for Chat (RWC) and add End Conversation (RWC) as the last Step of every leg of the main Thread in the main Flow and Subflows (opens new window) where the Flow is expected to end.

Last Updated: 9/1/2023, 2:00:19 PM